Eggplant Palaya
This is my favorite dish that my grandmother makes...of all time. I actually learned the recipe a while ago so I don't have a picture for this one, but I thought it would be interesting to analyze anyway. Eggplant Palya is a dry fried eggplant (palya means vegetable curry) that is relatively simple, yet incredibly delicious. Ok, on to the chemistry. The star in this dish is cinnamon. Cinnamon is the dried inner bark of trees in the genus Cinnamomum. When the bark is cut from the tree it forms the distinctive spirals that we call Cinnamon sticks. There are two kinds of commonly used Cinnamon. The one that we are exposed to in America is actually from Southeast Asia and China and is called Cassia. It is much thicker, spicier and more bitter than the Sri Lankan Cinnamon. It also forms the double spiral we are all used to seeing. Sri Lankan Cinnamon forms a single spiral and is much more delicate in structure and flavor, it is also much sweeter and is often called "true Cinna...